Cloud penetration testing

Strengthen your cloud security with Cognisys. Protect your data, ensure compliance, and mitigate the risks of insider threats with our cloud penetration testing.

Secure your cloud infrastructure against insider threats

In today’s multi-cloud world, securing your cloud environment from social engineering and internal conflict is critical, but can be complex to do internally without bias and blind spots.

Cognisys offers in-depth cloud penetration testing designed to simulate insider threats, such as rogue or compromised employees, using white-box credentials to assess vulnerabilities across AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Our experts employ thorough techniques to mimic potential attack scenarios, aiming to exfiltrate sensitive example data, such as emails and files, while identifying weaknesses in your cloud security posture.

Project Manager reviewing file upload vulnerabilities on her laptop

What we test

Infrastructure security

We assess the security of your cloud set-up, including firewalls, virtual networks, and access controls, to ensure robust defences and compartmentalisation are in place.

Identity & access management (IAM)

Evaluation of IAM policies to prevent unauthorised access, ensuring that only the right users have access at the right time.

Data protection

Testing encryption methods, data storage configurations, and access controls to prevent breaches.

Compliance & governance

Verifying that your cloud environment meets industry standards and regulatory requirements, ensuring compliance with frameworks such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS.

Incident response capabilities

Simulating insider threats to test your organisation’s ability to detect, respond, and recover from malicious activities within your cloud infrastructure.

Misconfigurations & human errors

Identifying potential vulnerabilities arising from misconfigurations, insecure interfaces, and human errors are familiar yet critical factors in cloud security risks.

SmartView takes care of your reporting

Cognisys’ SmartView Portal provides a centralised platform for clients to manage their projects and vulnerabilities efficiently. Through the portal, clients can track the status of each identified issue, assign tasks to team members, and monitor the progress of remediation efforts. This streamlined process ensures that vulnerabilities are addressed promptly and thoroughly, enhancing clients’ cloud security.

Cognisys SmartView portal
source code review

Why choose Cognisys’ cloud penetration testing?

Our expert testers, skilled in maintaining, reading, and breaking enterprise environments, tailor simulations to mirror real-world insider threat scenarios by closely collaborating with your IT team. After testing, we provide detailed reports identifying vulnerabilities, their impact, and practical remediation steps.

Additionally, we offer expert guidance during a post-test wash-up call to help your teams implement effective solutions. With experience across all major cloud platforms, including AWS, Azure, GCP, and internal systems, we ensure a comprehensive evaluation of your cloud infrastructure’s security.


Cloud infrastructure is a prime target for cyber criminals and should be tested regularly. We recommend annual or biannual testing to identify security flaws introduced by software updates, misconfigurations, or user errors.

Our tests can be conducted using ‘read-only’ accounts and non-intrusive methods, and even if the level of access given is beyond that, tests that can cause denial of service are forbidden, minimising disruption to your live environment. We coordinate testing around your schedule to ensure minimal impact on daily operations.

  • Small systems: 1-2 days
  • Medium systems: 3-6 days
  • Large systems or multiple tenancies/offices: 7+ days

Testing is customised to your specific environment, so these are general timeframes.

Cloud penetration tests are most effective when combined with web app testing and other security assessments. This holistic approach strengthens your security posture by addressing potential environmental weaknesses.

We typically require global reader access or equivalent permissions. This ensures we can perform a thorough assessment without altering your configurations.

Absolutely. Our testing aligns with regulatory standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS, helping you maintain compliance and secure your cloud environment.

Let’s make things happen

Fill in the form and one of our team will be in touch for a no-obligation discussion or quote regarding your requirements.
Leeds office

5 Park Place
London office

131 Finsbury Pavement


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