Penetration testing

Check your cyber security with our suite of penetration testing services.

If there’s a way in, we’ll find it.

Web application testing

Are your web applications free from critical web application flaws as defined by the OWASP top 10?

Infrastructure penetration testing

Discover vulnerabilities and find out how to remediate them by conducting infrastructure penetration testing.

Mobile application security testing

Test your Android and iOS apps to ensure they are free from the OWASP mobile top 10 vulnerabilities.

Wireless penetration testing service

Could your security countermeasures be bypassed due to vulnerabilities in your wireless network?

Cloud security assessment

Ensure that your AWS and Azure environments follow good security practice. Identify issues before an attacker does.

Phishing attack simulations

How susceptible are your users to a targeted phishing attack? Try a simulated attack to find out.

Red team

How deep into your organisation could a determined unauthorised third party get? Take the test.

Lost or stolen device assessment

How close can we get to your valuable data and your company network, should the worst happen?

We find your security gaps and tell you how to close them

Our scoping documents are built by our experienced pen testing team, meaning the targets we are aiming at are the ones you want evaluating and we’ve taken everything into account.

Our methodology has been audited and approved by CREST. From the minute we onboard you and our detailed processes kick in, you’ll feel like you are in safe hands.

All our tests include a consultant-driven wash-up call, where we examine and explain our findings. Some of what we find is deeply technical and we’re on-hand to help with remediation suggestions and methods.

Develop a cyber security plan

Don’t repeat the same tests each year; improve your cyber security stance with a flexible test and security plan.

Pen testing services

How secure are you?

Test what you already have and build your plan depending on the number of days you need.

Audit and consulting

How far away from best practice are you? Discover what you should be doing and understand exactly why.

Cyber Essentials and ISO 27001

Prove your cyber security. Achieve UK government-backed and recognised security standards.


A penetration test (also known as a pen test or ethical hacking) is a fully-sanctioned hacking attempt that targets your organisation’s IT network infrastructure, applications and employees. The purpose of these tests is to identify security risks by actively attempting to exploit weaknesses in a controlled fashion. Information gathered during penetration testing allows you to proactively strengthen your organisation’s security practices.

Penetration tests usually fall into one of the following categories:

A vulnerability scan looks for known vulnerabilities in your systems and reports potential exposures, often forming part of information gathering for a penetration test. Penetration tests are intended to exploit weaknesses in the architecture of your IT networks, systems, and applications. They determine the degree to which a malicious attacker can gain unauthorised access to your assets. A vulnerability scan is typically automated, while a penetration test is a manual test performed by a security professional. Both elements are important, typically vulnerability scans are done on a more frequent basis and penetration tests on a less frequent basis.

Penetration testing should be done for a number of reasons, including:

  • To uncover major vulnerabilities and prioritise your vulnerabilities into low, medium and high risks, then give you an opportunity to fix these vulnerabilities.
  • To help you enforce your security strategy and identify any further security controls you need to implement if poor internal security processes are revealed.
  • To show your security team in real-time how attack vectors impact the organisation.
  • To give your organisation and team more confidence, with a new perspective on your network, application and data.
  • To help inform governance and compliance improvements, possibly as your organisation aligns with industry security standards.
  • To train your security team on how to better detect and respond to threats, while introducing newer security technologies.
  • To test your team’s ability to conduct remediation and incident reporting.
  • To allow your team to optimise their incident response process.
  • To protect your most critical data.
  • To provide your management and leadership team with insightful reports.
  • To strengthen customer trust and loyalty by demonstrating your commitment to security.

Our penetration testing service is well-coordinated, planned, documented and communicated. You will know what is happening and when. Our process is disciplined, repeatable and defined within our testing methodology and our ISO 27001 controls.

Our approach and targets are customised to suit the unique environment and requirements of your business, for each individual test.

Our clear initiation, planning, testing, reporting and collaborative delivery process ensures accurate results and a clear understanding of the remediation process. We use a blended approach to ensure our clients always have the most appropriate skillsets for all areas of the testing, providing the very best service at a fair price.


Understanding internal vs. external penetration testing: which is best for your business?


Understanding internal vs. external penetration testing: which is best for your business?

In this blog, we will help you understand the differences between internal and external penetration testing and how to choose the best approach for your industry.

Key features your vulnerability management platform must have


Key features your vulnerability management platform must have

In this blog, we delve into the core concepts of vulnerabilities and the significance of a robust vulnerability management platform.

The biggest cyber attacks and vulnerabilities from June 2024


The biggest cyber attacks and vulnerabilities from June

Insights and trends from recent cyber threats and vulnerabilities from June.

Discover how we’ve helped leading organisations

Let’s make things happen

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5 Park Place
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The Sharp Project
Thorpe Road
M40 5BJ