Live hack and awareness Howley Hall ethical hacking seminar

Thanks for joining us

40 businesses were represented at our Ethical hacking Seminar at Howley Hall in Leeds and were given plenty of food for thought as our technical team lead, Mike Woodhead, demonstrated how easy it was to gain a foothold in a target company network and exfiltrate information.

Our CEO Steve Spence continued with an overview of the ten steps to cybersecurity, and an overview of Microsoft SecureScore and easy steps to securing an Office 365 tenant – Then finally the benefits of Cyber Essentials to an organisation.

Elly Stirling from the regional cyber crime unit completed the lineup with an insider’s view of the threat landscape and commentary on user awareness.

Thanks, as always to everyone involved in the day and for everyone who gave up their time to attend.

Watch out for the next one!

  • Patch, Patch, Patch

  • Always use MFA

  • Use SecureScore to help improve your security profile

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